
for Mobility

Glucosamine HCL (hydrochloride) is an amino sugar that forms a building block within the cartilage matrix. It is vital to maintain cartilage that is healthy and functioning and is a key ingredient when it comes to supporting your horse’s joints. As horses age, the levels of Glucosamine within the body declines and with, that so does the body’s ability to grow, repair, and renew.

Daily Feeding Rates (Choose One)


Under 350kg

5g daily feeding rate

£5.25 per month


350kg - 650kg

10g daily feeding rate

£10.25 per month


Over 650kg

15g daily feeding rate

£15.50 per month

Glucosamine is available as part of your personalised CustomPac.

Pacs not for you? Purchase a month supply in the traditional way to measure and add to your horses feed. Available as a one month supply or as a convenient subscription.

Key Benefits

  • Provided in micronized format which is more readily absorbed by the body
  • A targeted option for supporting the health of your horse’s joints
  • Nourishes, conditions, replenishes, and lubricates the cartilage in joints
  • Maintains level in the joints of glycosaminoglycans (GAG’S)
  • Enhances the Hyaluronate content in the joint – a key component of Synovial Fluid (joint lubricant)
  • No side effects and suitable for long-term administration
  • 100% human-grade materials
  • NO added fillers or bulking agents
  • Not suitable for pregnant or lactating mares


100% Glucosamine (from fermentation)

Feed Additives per KG


Analytical Constituents

Sodium 0.04%; Potassium 0.10%

Key Ingredients

Per 10g (Horse Feeding Rate): Glucosamine HCL at least 99% pure 10,000mg