
for Hooves

We all know the saying, “No foot, no horse”. Our horse’s hooves are under extensive stress from shoeing, riding on roads and hard ground, and a variety of physical and environmental factors/conditions. Biotin is well known amongst the equestrian community to provide support to dry, cracked, brittle hooves.

Our Biotin supplement provides optimized levels of this essential B Vitamin alongside other essential key ingredients to give YOU full peace of mind.

Daily Feeding Rates (Choose One)


Under 350kg

10g daily feeding rate

£9.25 per month


350kg - 650kg

15g daily feeding rate

£14.00 per month


Over 650kg

15g daily feeding rate

£14.00 per month

Biotin is available as part of your personalised CustomPac.

Pacs not for you? Purchase a month supply in the traditional way to measure and add to your horses feed. Available as a one month supply or as a convenient subscription.

Key Benefits

  • Biotin: necessary for normal growth, healthy skin, and hoof formation
  • DL-Methionine: an essential amino acid necessary for growth and a wide variety of  body processes
  • MSM: a rich source of sulphur and an essential mineral for healthy hoof growth and enhanced circulation
  • Brewer’s Yeast: a natural source of Biotin, Methionine, Zinc, and Copper. All of these are necessary for healthy, strong hooves, growth, and repair
  • Zinc Sulphate: a trace element necessary for muscle and bone growth and food utilisation
  • Vitamin C: an antioxidant essential to the formation and maintenance of connective tissues
  • Calcium: is essential for holding the keratinised cells of the hoof wall together
  • Jiaogulan: a super nutrient with benefits including Immune Support, Anti-inflammatory Effects, Antioxidant Properties, Cardiovascular Support, Digestive Health, and Respiratory Support


Brewer’s Yeast, Calcium Carbonate, Maltodextrin, Methyl sulfonyl methane

Feed Additives per KG

Biotin (3a880 1,300mg, Vitamin C (3a300) 45,000mg

Trace Elements: Zinc (from zinc sulphate monohydrate (3b605) 9,733mg 

Amino Acids: DL-Methionine (3c301) 346,667mg

Analytical Constituents

Crude Protein 30.2%, Crude Fibre < 0.2%, Crude Oils and Fat < 0.6%, Crude Ash 29.7%, Calcium > 10.9%, Sodium < 0.1

Key Ingredients

Per 15g (Horse Feeding Rate): DL Methionine 5,200mg, Yea-Sacc 1026 3,000mg, Calcium 1,640mg, Vitamin C 675mg, Methylsulfonylmethane 450mg, Zinc 146mg, Biotin 21mg