Emily & Radish

An Eventer in the making, but a bit of everything!
Glucosamine, Biotin, Linseed and Marigold & Cleavers
Emily & Radish
Introduction to your horse
Radish came off the track in march 2023 and after some down time he came to me in July 2023;
before this he was a successful national hunt horse with multiple wins.
Radish is turning out to be the most wonderful little horse with the heart of a lion and such a trainable brain, he take everything in his stride and shows no typical race horse craziness!
What you do together?
In the 9 months Radish and I have been together we have done a bit of everything, hacking, schooling, jumping, cross country and showing, hunting etc, but mostly we’ve been working on his flat work and building his overall strength and condition. He came to me a typical racehorse, fit and lean, so my aim was to build him up into more of a riding horse. We are now in a much better place with his weight and condition so have started jumping again and been out xc which he absolutely loves.
What were your areas of concern/in need of support when designing your Pac?
Being an exracer joint and hoof care is something that I think is very important. Being started so young and being shod so often these are always areas where I find they need a bit of help.
Radish also suffers from swelling in his legs when stabled over the winter months so this was an area I wanted to address.
What results have you seen from your chosen EquiPacs products?
Since being on his EquiPacs Radish has not only made vast improvements in the areas I felt were a slight concern but also other areas. His feet have improved so much that he no longer loses shoes and the farrier can now put standard shoes on and not special light shoes because his hooves are so much stronger. His legs never swell in the stable, the physio is always so impressed with his range of motion and his coat, well the pictures speak for themselves!
What is your favourite thing about EquiPacs?
My favourite thing about EquiPacs is its adjustability, if I wanted to change what I have I can do so at any point and Hannah will sort this for me straight away. This makes tailoring the pack to what your horse needs when he needs it so so easy! It really couldn’t be simpler!
What is your number 1 eco-friendly swap around the yard? (other than EquiPacs of course)
My eco-friendly yard hack is saving and reusing rain water, all the water that flows off my stable roof after any rain (and there has been a lot) I collect into a butt and use to wash my buckets, boots, muddy legs etc.
What would you have to say to someone considering to swap to EquiPacs?
It doesn’t matter if you’re a happy hacker or compete internationally, EquiPacs is a simple, hassle free, environmentally friendly solution to keeping your horse in tip top condition, there really isn’t anything not to love!
Fun Fact about you and your horse!
One day we dream of competing at HOYS in the ROR class!