News Flash

Jan 12, 2024 at 13:38

EquiPacs were inspired by the belief that inside every horse is the making of a champion. We ensure your horse is treated like one every day, by providing supplement Pacs that bring out the best in your equine partner.

We have this statement front and centre on our home page of the EquiPacs website and feel that it is our duty to continue to provide your horses with the best options possible. This is exactly why EquiPacs has grown a very exciting branch on our tree and extended our family in the best way we know how. EquiPacs is incredibly excited to announce our collaboration with Pure Paddock! Pure Paddock is EquiPacs "sister from another mister" in so many ways. They share both our sustainability values as well as a commitment to providing quality, filler free products for your horse.

The Pure Paddock Essential Mix was created with one aim in mind – creating diversity within the horse’s diet to promote diversity within the hindgut microbial population. It represents an innovative feed that fully recognises just how important the hindgut microbiome is to equine health and well-being and seeks to promote microbial health and diversity by providing a diverse range of potentially beneficial herbs. The product is human grade, natural ingredients with fully compostable eco-friendly packaging – not just benefitting hind gut, but also the immune system, joints, coat, skin and hooves.

The Pure Paddock Essential Mix now features as an option when building our CustomPacs so you can quite simply have it all! Existing Pure Paddock customers can enjoy the benefits and convenience of feeding with the EquiPacs feeding system and our own customers can now enjoy a new product in their horses Pacs. The multitude of positive reviews Pure Paddock receives has us excited for another secret weapon when it comes to tempting fussy feeders. From the day the Pure Paddock stock arrived, our warehouse has been smelling like the Italian herbs in the bolognese mama used to make!

We caught up with the team at Pure Paddock to get their view on our new partnership:

I started following Equipacs on Instagram a month or so ago and I couldn’t believe that nobody had thought about combining supplements into one easy pack before! I am forever working away or leaving my horses in the capable hands of our yard; however it is so easy not to give the horses the right amount of supplement – and as my horses are of the ‘older generation’ I feel its important they get everything they need! When I virtually met with Hannah, her thoughts on sustainability and ensuring that horses get the best out of their supplements exactly matched ours and it was a match made in heaven! We are excited to work with Equipacs and continue to grow both our ‘smaller’ businesses.

The team here at EquiPacs put a lot of thought into this next step of reaching out to what some might call a "competitor" but that’s not how we see it at all. We want to provide the best for your horses that we can offer and we see the strength in what other companies can bring to the table. This is an exciting first step in a new direction for EquiPacs and definitely calls for a watch this space!

Be sure to check out the new Pure Paddock product on our Supplements page or head over to to learn more.

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