Humble Beginnings

Jan 12, 2024 at 12:02

The first EquiPacs spark was quite literally thrown up in conversation on the couch in the living room one morning. My mum had always complained about how complicated making the horse's feeds was and how confusing the feed chart was. To my horror, she admitted that they just didn’t get their supplements whenever I was away! I casually mentioned premaking the supplements in little bags and it was a silent eureka moment around the room as we all realised that actually, something like that would be a really good idea! I spent the rest of that day brainstorming what this magic company would be and at the end of it we pretty much had the name EquiPacs and that was it.

Now, this was 2016, and "EquiPacs" bounced around our family for a while. Everyone told me it was a good idea, but no one really knew how or where to start. We eventually pulled ourselves together enough to "launch" with a very homemade logo and Square Space website with our 3 PrePacs. The Everyday, Veteran and Competition Pac. It’s safe to say I didn't sell one and after a year or so things fizzled out and we took the website down. 

EquiPacs was like an itch I couldn’t scratch. It was always there, in the back of my head. I had tried (albeit half-hearted) and it failed miserably so what was the point in trying again? But I constantly wondered what if..

What if it worked?

What if I hadn’t given up?

What if it took off?

So I started working on it again. I made a fancy new logo - the famous gold and navy horses you may all recognise today. I set up Facebook and Instagram as social media was taking off "in those days". We got fancy packaging and made improvements to the website and once again we "launched" EquiPacs.

I didn't sell any.

I remember my family really giving me an ultimatum in that I either had to try my heart out or lay it to rest and never think about it again. I decided the EquiPacs dream just wasn’t meant to be..

In 2019 after years of working directly in the Equine Industry, I finally gave up on that dream too. I got a 9-5 in an office and decided it was time I grow up on all fronts. Then in March 2020 those famous Covid bells started ringing and I found myself furloughed, at home and with absolutely nothing to do. EquiPacs crept back into my mind... 

I dug out the logo, fired up the website and got to work. I was older, and more passionate about things such as the environment and sustainability and began pouring everything into a business model. I found suppliers and began creating our own supplements, free from all the bulkers and fillers I was fed up of seeing in products when looking for my own horses. I found local suppliers for virtually everything and started investing in stock for our 3rd and final launch. It was absolutely terrifying but come January 4th 2021 EquiPacs well and truly LAUNCHED and I’ve never looked back since. 

Now, don’t get me wrong and don’t think this has been plain sailing ever since. In January 2021 we got our first official EquiPacs customer and she signed up on January 31st, just when I was losing all hope. Then on February 1 another person signed up. Then 2 in March and 5 in April and so on and so on. I experienced losing our first customer, through no fault of our own but because that’s life and inevitable in a subscription-based business. At first, I always took it so personally and I would focus on the one person who left rather than the 10 who signed up - it was all a learning curve. 

Our first year was a year full of firsts and full of learning. Our second year we mostly spent learning our to cope and fulfil orders. Now, in 2023 our third year we are all about solidifying EquiPacs and throwing our hearts and souls into her. We've moved into EquiPacs' first official home, we have big plans for expanding our reach and working with larger equestrian facilities. We are growing our team, planning shows and events and all of this while staying small, staying humble and staying true to what EquiPacs was started to be.

EquiPacs is for everyone. It's for the everyday owner and rider, it's a bit of luxury, its a bit of ease and its a bit of good for the planet. EquiPacs isn’t about 100K followers, big brand deals and global takeover. EquiPacs will always be that personal touch, genuine care, and small-town vibe because I will be here to be sure of it. I’m excited about where this journey is going and what I could be writing in a post similar to this in 3 years' time! But for now, I'm grateful for the journey so far and for 2023 to be our most exciting year yet!


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